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List your name to let Tournament Hosts know that you are willing and able to help staff an upcoming event and to allow them to contact you for pre-selection as a Tournament Team Member.
Listings of Officials
Registry of Tournament Officials for promoters.
Listings by Official, Contact, and Style
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Kaizen Officials Certification Clinic.
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Workbook for the Official's Clinic
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Answers to the most asked questions about Certification.
Just as all professional and most amateur sports have officials who operate from a standard set of rules and procedures, Kaizen is working hard to try to bring that same level of professionalism to Sport Martial Arts.
No, but at Kaizen Events, we will be selecting officials first from those who have received certification.
Certification will ensure to all who attend a martial arts event, that you are an Official of the highest quality and integrity who will officiate fairly in an unbiased manner.
As a respected leader in the martial arts community, your knowledge and experience will be a valuable asset as a certified Kaizen Official.
As a leader, you will receive a “grandfather” evaluation for certification to help ensure standardization.
Yes, we are considering the costs for training materials, production, and travel to determine a fair and equitable cost. But in order to get the ball rolling, for 2022 our trainers have agreed to offer training for no cost. So, now is the time to get certified.
There will be two (2) mandatory sessions which everyone must take first.
1.) Ring Decorum: IE standard method for making calls, location of judges, ring etiquette, etc.
2.) Rules: Comprehensive knowledge and application of the Kaizen Rule Book.
Following completion of the above, training will focus on how to judge all categories of Forms and Sparring.
The most experienced officials who obtain Center Referee certification OR after completing the “Grandfather” Evaluation will assist with evaluations of judges during “live” Kaizen events. They will help evaluate the certified side judges to help determine their level proficiency
Level 1 - Side Judge: All UBB 12 & under and 13-17 Novice divisions plus GC
Level 2 - Side Judge: All Novice & Intermediate divisions plus GC
Level 3 - Side Judge: All N/I/A divisions plus GC
Level 4 - Side Judge: All UBB & BB divisions plus GC
Level 5 - Center Referee: All UBB 17 & Under divisions plus GC (level 3 certified)
Level 6 - Center Referee: All UBB divisions plus GC (level 4 certified)
Level 7 - Center Referee: All UBB & BB divisions plus GC (level 5 certified)
Level 8 - Center Referee: All divisions and GC
After competing the first two (2) mandatory sessions, all officials will be certified for their suitability as a either a Side Judge or a Center Referee. Side Judges will be then evaluated by our certified Center Referees and the Kaizen Administrators at “live” events to determine their level of expertise and whether to recommend for level advancement. All officials must be conversant with all competition types before being considered for advancement.
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